Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kitties, Sheep and Rain

I'm starting to come out of the fog that fell over my life last week. I've gotten a couple of job leads and I'm starting to feel a lot better on that front. I've also been embracing my inner pioneer woman. I hit the sales at the local grocery stores and bought a ton of squash and zucchini to freeze. I also put up some applesauce. An old copy of the Good Housekeeping Cookbook and I have been close friends. I even managed to make popcorn on the stove and didn't set anything on fire. The last time I attempted that I managed to set the whole pan on fire. We're talking giant flames. Only my obsessive watching of Emergency! during college kept my house from catching fire. I distinctly remember screaming "What would John and Roy do?". Let's just say that I will not be turning this into a cooking blog within the foreseeable future.

I finally drug out the fleece I bought in New Mexico last year and started to clean all the thistles and fecal matter (to put it nicely) out. I spread a trash bag on my parents front yard and was promptly joined by several others; four cats and a bored neighbor. A girl cleaning a sheep fleece can attract a lot of attention. I had to speak firmly to the cats about staying away from the fleece and they took up positions around my like so many little furry, rolling, meowing sentries. The neighbor came up on his four wheeler to investigate and even he couldn't scare off my guards. He recently broke his ankle and had to have surgery and shouldn't be walking around let alone driving over to see what I was up to. Ah the allure of a girl with fleece.

It rained all this afternoon and after a rather scary drive home from the store with the wind buffeting my car and trying to blow me across the road. I decided to take to my bed with a good book and my knitting and watched CSI. Over all it was a good day and I hope to continue my forays into playing pioneer woman. I refuse to wear a corset, though.


  1. I should loan you my copy of "The Pioneer Girl's Guide to Life."

    It does have pointers on corsets in there, but that's only a tiny part of the book. It also talks about how to make applesauce and how to saddle a horse and how to make lavender water.

  2. Oooh - lavender water sounds really cool. I think I'll hold off on the horse saddling since I don't actually own a horse and I don't think the pug would take kindly to a saddle.
